How to fix Cracks in Concrete Decks
As the old saying goes, "there are two types of concrete decks. One has a crack, and the other will have a crack."
In our work, we have seen more cracks in concrete decks that one could count. Early in the life of a concrete deck, cracks can occur when concrete expands and contracts with weather conditions, and when expansion joints are not well positioned. Cracks in concrete decks and patios can also appear when the soil underneath the concrete slab erodes. This erosion can be the result of settling soil over time, water movement, nearby construction or more. Due to its stiffness, concrete does not flex with the changing ground conditions. If the slab can't carry its own weight in a section, a crack occurs. Expansion joints reduce the likelihood of cracks, but cracks can't be completely avoided in most concrete patios or decks.
Most home and property owners are unhappy with traditional ways to "fix" cracks: mostly the cracks are patched up with filler material. This material - if used correctly - may prevent further cracking by keeping water and ice out of the crack. However, further cracking due to soil and gravel shifting underneath can't be prevented by this method. Also, a 100% texture and color match is usually not possible, and so patching up cracks becomes very unsightly. Oftentimes a patched up crack looks just as bad - or worse - than the crack itself!
Luckily, there is RenuKrete! RenuKrete works existing cracks into the resurfacing design of the new structure that resembles natural stone, while completely transforming the look of your deck, patio, walkway or even porch. The majority of cracks simply disappears during the RenuKrete installation! What's more, even if mortar fissures reappear over time with shifting ground and slabs, they are barely visible and can always be repaired so that they don't bother anyone. There are many more advantages to a RenuKrete installation.
To find out if RenuKrete is a good fit for your project, click here.
If you would like to get rid of cracks in your concrete pool deck, patio, walkway or porch, and transform your deck or patio to the look and feel of natural stone, call us today! 800-406-5010